MDA Framework and Genre


The basics of how the game works. Its the guidelines, what the payer can do with it, and the games guts (algorithms and data structure).


How the games mechanics work with the player.


the emotion provoked from the player by playing the game.

Eight Type of Aesthetics:

  1. Sensation (Game as sense-pleasure): Player experiences something completely unfamiliar.
  2. Fantasy (Game as make-believe): Imaginary world.
  3. Narrative (Game as drama): A story that drives the player to keep coming back
  4. Challenge (Game as obstacle course): Urge to master something. Boosts a game’s replayability.
  5. Fellowship (Game as social framework): A community where the player is an active part of it. Almost exclusive for multiplayer games.
  6. Discovery (Game as uncharted territory): Urge to explore game world.
  7. Expression (Game as self-discovery): Own creativity. For example, creating character resembling player’s own avatar.
  8. Submission (Game as pastime): Connection to the game, as a whole, despite of constraints.


    Good game design is finding a way to connect with your player. Try to use genres to push the point of your game. Use genres to fill in holes that other genres lack the ability to fill. Always know why your combining your genres

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